daily prayer 7

Saturday – Playfully creative

Creative God who imagined into existence all that we take for granted, we offer you our creativity and imagination and ask that you will inspire us to use the gifts you have given us to bless and enrich those around us. Give us the grace and creativity to see things differently from the ways we have always done things if that is what you want of us. May our community be known as people who laugh heartily, live joyfully and smile like Jesus.

You ordained that humans should live a pattern of life that includes sabbath – where the pressures and stresses of work are put to one side and we take care of ourselves. May we be re-created through our recreation; re-envisioned in your vision; restored in our stories and refilled with your Spirit that we may live life in all its fullness. Help us to discover you in the freedom of play as much as in earnest study and worship.






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