Month: Jun 2011

  • reminiscing

    When I was little we lived in North Devon. My Dad was Headmaster of a nearby village school in Highampton and we lived in a (rented) thatched cottage on the outskirts of a village called Sheepwash. No, it’s not a made up name. It’s a lovely picturesque village that has often been used as the…

  • paying ATTEN-SHUN!

    Last night I was at the barracks of the 16th Air Assault Brigade in Colchester. I was invited (along with lots of other people) to a presentation about the Brigade’s recent deployment to Afghanistan. I wondered what I was going to. It was entitled ‘Military Operational Presentation’ and I was not sure whether it would…

  • you what?

    I went to the local DIY store yesterday. I was looking around, just browsing and minding my own business when a chap in an apron came up to me and asked if I wanted decking… luckily I got the first punch in. I have just got back from the Doctor’s and he tells me I…

  • the fruit of the burger

    Yesterday was brilliant. We had a lovely service in which we baptised two people with very different testimonies, as I mentioned last week. It was very moving to hear how Dan had turned up at an outreach event we were hosting for Hope in Colchester (Hope 08), drawn by the music. He sat and listened…

  • status updates

    I have some posh invitation cards on my desk at the moment. One is to attend a Military Operational Presentation with the 16 Air Assault Brigade in Colchester. I’m not sure what one of those is, but I am going to go and find out. The second is an invitation for me (and a plus…

  • mad

    Today has been an interestingly eclectic one. It started with a visit to our church by Year 5 children from a local school, where we tried to explain what happened in the building and what was distinctive about Baptist Christians. From there it was straight to Costa Coffee for a meeting with Susan, our Children…

  • splash!

    On Sunday morning we will be having another service of Believer’s Baptism at our church. Wooohooo! Baptising people is one of the (many) highlights / privileges of being a Baptist Minister. It’s not the physical act of dunking (although that is fun!) so much as being a part of one of the most significant moments…

  • being patronised

    For Father’s Day (which I feel is more of a ‘hallmark holiday’) I received a large Toblerone (yum) and a book. I have already finished the Toblerone, which I really enjoyed, and I am really enjoying the book. It’s called ‘1980-81 The Greatest Season In Ipswich Town’s History’. It came in a limited edition sleeve…

  • the thlot pickens

    Today I am mostly writing my novel. As mentioned last week I am taking a couple of days’ leave in order to crack on with writing my magnum opusthat will propel me to the top of the bestseller’s list. So far today I have written 2,000 words and re-written some of the previous 12,000. The…

  • dreaming

    It’s late in the day but I have finally found some space to stop and reflect… before rushing off to another meeting. Sorry to any of you who have been waiting patiently for me to post some bloggerel today. So, following on from yesterday’s pathetic effort by me, by my computer and by Microsoft, all…